The bar chart below gives information about the percentage of the population living in urban areas in the world and in different continents.

The graph compares the percentage of urbanized people living in the world and five different continents in 1950, 2007 and the projections for 2030.

Overall, the proportions of people dwelling in cities in the world are anticipated to increase significantly. In 1950, the percentage of Africans who lived in cities was the lowest, while people settling in urban areas in North America accounted for the largest proportion.

In 1950, nearly two-thirds of the population of North America was urban (64%), which made up the largest proportion, compared to over half of European counterparts (51%). By contrast, the figure for urbanized Asians was slightly higher than that for Africans, at 17% and 15%, respectively. Over a quarter of the world’s population was urban (29%).

Between 2007 and 2030, urbanization in the world is predicted to rise remarkably from 49% to 60%. It is forecast that the vast majority of North America’s population will stay in cities (84%). The percentage of urbanized Latin Americans is likely to double, rising from 42% in 1950 to 84% by 2030. Likewise, an increase in the urbanized population of Africa to 51% is expected. (188 words)




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