Some people think that scientific research should be controlled and carried out by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is sometimes argued that the governments should be held responsible for undertaking and controlling scientific research rather than private-owned institutes. While I agree with this viewpoint in some particular ways, I do believe that there are reasons why it is for private companies to take part in scientific researches.

There are some critical types of research that should only be controlled and managed by the governments. Firstly, many projects related to military technologies like nuclear weapons should be strictly put under the government’s control. This action can help the nation to prevent such organizations taking advantage of those innovations for doing terrorist or illegal activities. Furthermore, the main responsibility for managing ethical standards and safety in researches with human and animal subjects should lie with the governments. Those scientific researches, as a result, could be kept tightly in ethical boundaries and regulations.

However, allowing private-owned organizations to participate in scientific research is also essential. The first reason is that their contributions in such studies help to reduce the burden of coping with too many serious concerns on the governments. Instead of taking care of small projects, the governments could put more emphasis on other pressing problems such as climate change or financial crisis, for instance. In fact, there were many profound scientific discoveries conducted by the private sector. For example, SpaceX, which is a private spaceflight company, made history when it became the first commercial spacecraft reached the space station. In the long term, this successful achievement would be beneficial for the governments and private-sector companies as a whole.

In conclusion, I believe that people need a combination of both private-owned institutes and state-owned organizations to undertake and control all scientific researches. (283 words)


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